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Ostróda- Sparaliżowany Bursztyn po wypadku - Ma dom. Za TM.


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[quote name='NicolaDE']Hi Herrfeinbein,

I'm Nicola from Dortmund I was a member of the trip with Luke Bernstein. How is the new wheelchair of Luke Bernstein?[/quote]

Hi Nicola. Thank you for giving Luke a chance!

Due to low battery I was able to take one photo only,more will follow as soon as I find the docking station ....

The new doggy car is much more stable,fits him almost perfectly, it has a much, much more comfortable seat. Best of all: he can now drop his poo inside the car, which means overall better handling and more freedom for Luke. It has a better carrying-straps, too.

It is smaller also, so he wouldn´t get stuck with the wheels anymore, it is about 15cm smaller in width. He really likes it. Also he is faster and even more secure with the new one.

I am planning to do some new videos tommorow. See you soon!
Lukes new doggy-car[/URL]


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Hmmm....jak mamusia mówiła że mam się uczyć, to mi amory były w głowce...dlategóż właśnie zostałam obcojęzyczną analfabetką:cool3: Nie kumam ani słowa- dobrze, że czasem ktoś coś po naszemu....:lol: NO ale co jak co- tytuł to już prosze zmienić- ja dziś sie wystraszyłam..że oddali Bursztynka...nie wchodziłam tu kilka dni- bo i po co jak ni w ząb...ale jak przeczytałam tytuł to mnie zmroził...zmieńcie proszę cioteczki...:roll:

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[quote name='gonia66']Hmmm....jak mamusia mówiła że mam się uczyć, to mi amory były w głowce...dlategóż właśnie zostałam obcojęzyczną analfabetką:cool3: Nie kumam ani słowa- dobrze, że czasem ktoś coś po naszemu....:lol: NO ale co jak co- tytuł to już prosze zmienić- ja dziś sie wystraszyłam..że oddali Bursztynka...nie wchodziłam tu kilka dni- bo i po co jak ni w ząb...ale jak przeczytałam tytuł to mnie zmroził...zmieńcie proszę cioteczki...:roll:[/quote]

oh wreszcie jakaś bratnia dusza- analfabetka obcojęzyczna :evil_lol:

języki obce są nam obce :oops:

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[quote name='gonia66']Hmmm....jak mamusia mówiła że mam się uczyć, to mi amory były w głowce...dlategóż właśnie zostałam obcojęzyczną analfabetką:cool3: Nie kumam ani słowa- dobrze, że czasem ktoś coś po naszemu....:lol: NO ale co jak co- tytuł to już prosze zmienić- ja dziś sie wystraszyłam..że oddali Bursztynka...nie wchodziłam tu kilka dni- bo i po co jak ni w ząb...ale jak przeczytałam tytuł to mnie zmroził...zmieńcie proszę cioteczki...:roll:[/quote]
W moich czasach wszechobecny w szkole był rosyjski. Tylko, ze ten w niczym go nie przypomina :evil_lol:

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[quote name='Saphira']W moich czasach wszechobecny w szkole był rosyjski. Tylko, ze ten w niczym go nie przypomina :evil_lol:[/quote]
No niestety...co je prawda to nie je fałsz:eviltong:
Cioteczki..przepraszam, ze psuję taki świetny klimacik Bursztynka...ale musze tu wkleić wątek, bo nie wiem co robić i chwytam się każdej możliwej okazji...bezradność mnie dobija a może Wy coś zaradzicie???Prosze...zajrzyjcie chociaż na wątek..

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Pamietam jak Bursztyn się pojawil na dogo, chyba z tydzień czekał w schronisku na pomoc weterynarza. Wiercił się, przemieszczał. Najgorsze było i jest to, że zwierze jest zalezne od czlowieka, nie dostanie na czas pomocy lub niedostateczną pomoc i zaważy to na calym jego zyciu. Dobrze ze znalazl sie ktos kto mu pomógł.

Best wishes for Luke and his owner. If it wasn't for you, he would be very unhappy right now.

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[quote name='herrfeinbein']Hi Nicola. Thank you for giving Luke a chance!

Due to low battery I was able to take one photo only,more will follow as soon as I find the docking station ....

The new doggy car is much more stable,fits him almost perfectly, it has a much, much more comfortable seat. Best of all: he can now drop his poo inside the car, which means overall better handling and more freedom for Luke. It has a better carrying-straps, too.

It is smaller also, so he wouldn´t get stuck with the wheels anymore, it is about 15cm smaller in width. He really likes it. Also he is faster and even more secure with the new one.

I am planning to do some new videos tommorow. See you soon!
Lukes new doggy-car[/URL]

Hi Lutz,

THANK YOU TO GIVE LUKE BERNSTEIN A CHANCE, we were just the diver!!!

When I saw the pics of Bernstein maybe this will sound silly but it was like that I couldn't forget his face. And I was bothering everybody please let's find a place for him. And thanks Beate we found a place for him in the last minutes. And than just a few hours later we received the information about you when we were still in Poland. I was crying because I was so happy. And every movie you have made of him makes me happy and everybody can see how happy this dog is.

The new doggy car is perfect, if everything will went well we need 2 further doggy cars, one is already for sure Sara will need one if she will be in Germany. I will be in Poland next weekend again to see all my little friends and I'm a little bit sad because due to the fact that I will come by plane I can take only one dog to Germany :placz: But next month it will be more again :multi:

Best wishes

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='herrfeinbein']I really hope so. Thank you.[/quote]
Hi Mr Feinbein!
That are no good news, but what should I say we both are in the same situation now, I also will lose my job by end of march. But always look on the bright side of life!!!! The next job will be better. And if I will not find a job for April hey than I will have more time to find nice homes for dogs and pick up dogs in Poland.

On Sunday 5 dogs from Poland arrived in Germany again :multi: and again one dogs which can not walk anymore her name is Sara.

Best regards

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I was looking for a job almost a year once - so I know all the phases of bad mood, excitement mixed with despiar- it's even scientifically researched and presented on the diagram, these mood changes. one has to fight with lazyness, find something to do, stay busy - it is the best way to fight the sadness and fear caused by the situation.

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  • 3 weeks later...


It´s time for a little update:

Luke started his second season at our therapist last week. She is very happy with his porgress. He is now able to "feel" almost everything on his back and his legs including his tail. :multi:

It looks like we have a good chance, that he can walk with three legs in the near future. Anyway, the downside is, that in order to give him more freedom we have to cut off his "dead" leg. This leg is so seriously damaged, there is absolutely no hope of getting it fixed. It is about 6cm smaller than the other one. The problem is, that this leg limits his walking skills.

With a towel around his back we now take him with us to visit friends. He really likes the litle black fellow here::iloveyou:


Many greetings!

PS: Don´t worry, the duct tape is only around the towel, not his dog fur.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='black_cat']on one hand it's good that luke will have a chance to improve his walking skills, on the other hand though it's such a sad decision to make when you have to decide about cutting his leg off. Is it really that necessary? Just asking.
Greetings to you too :)[/quote]

I will not allow to cut anything, until it is absolutely sure that he is able to walk afterwards.

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[quote name='sleepingbyday']How are you? did you find a new job?[/quote]

Thanks for asking. I will start my new Job monday in a week. Much more work (I mean really much more), but more money, also. So really good news :-)

Yesterday we had a little BBQ at our place, Luke really enjoyed it, it smells soooo goood .....

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[quote name='sleepingbyday']great! and good luck, of course.
bbq??? so the winter is gone? i envy you. we still have winter here.....

how is our hero?[/quote]

the winter is gone here :-)

our hero is doing very, very well. I don´t really expect things getting much better at the end of the therapy, but I do think that he will enjoy his life with his handicap.

overall I really enjoy having him around. he is a special dog.

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