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Ostróda- Sparaliżowany Bursztyn po wypadku - Ma dom. Za TM.


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[quote name='MalgosMalgos']to Fundacja Pomoc Psom Greckim rekrutuje sie z rzedow Arche90;
lepiej Bursztynowi nie moglo sie poszczescic, ta frakcja specjalizuje sie w pomocy Grecji, ale oczywiscie nie tylko i dlatego w zastepstwie Karen
przywozi dary do Dabrowki, i to nie w ilosci znikomej ( transport w lecie 40 ! ton - jeden caly TIR ) i zabiera pieski.
Ogolnie Fundacja liczy 500 czlonkow i pochodzi z Düsseldorfu - bardzo zaangazowani i z ogromnymi mozliwosciami.
Podziwiam szczerze, wiadomosc o Bursztynie dotarla do nich we wtorek przez Karen, ktorej napisalam - w ciagu 3 dni znalezli doswiadczony dom tymczasowy...

Wszystko o Wejherowie do obejrzenia na ich stronie internetowej Arche90.
Prosza tylko zeby sprawdzic, jak Bursztyn ma sie do innych pieskow.
Lubi czy nie lubi?


Malgosmalgos - to jest troche inaczej.Arche i Fundacja Pomoc Psom Greckim to dwie rozne organizacje.Obecna wyprawa do Dabrowki po psy nie miala nic wspolnego z Arche i Arche znajduje sie w Dortmundzie.Wiadomosc o Bursztynie dotarla do mnie przez Agatke,a nie od Karen,z ktora to kontakt jak wiesz zupelnie sie urwal.W najblizszym czasie Nicola napisze pare slow na Dogomanii,azeby nie bylo niejasnosci
Serdeczne pozdrowienia

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Spokojnych,radosnych ,niezapomnianych Swiat dla wszystkich,ktorzy byli zaangazowani w szukanie domu dla Bursztyna oraz dla pana,ktory zdecydowal sie przyjac go na zawsze do siebie:loveu:
Agamazury,Malgosmalgos przesylam swiateczne usciski i slodka kartke ktora dostalam od znajomegoi sie wzruszylam

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A ja znalazłam na wątku olkuskim uratowaną sunię z kaźni w Olkuszu. Czy nie przypomina wam Bursztynka ?


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Hi from Germany.

I am the new owner of Bursztynek, we call him now "Luke". I am sorry, I don´t speak your language, only english and german (of course).

Just came by to give you the latest news:

Luke (Bursztynek) is a very lovely dog, twice a week he gets special treatment for his muscles and bones structure. Within the next days I hope to receive his own wheelchair which is much more stable and fits him perfectly, so it will make it much more easier for him.

I have good news: Luke is able to use his right leg. It is fully functional and there is a good chance, that he will become strong enough to walk short distances with three legs, step by step.

Feel free to ask questions, maybe there is sombody around who is willing to translate my messages.

I will provide more videos on youtube, soon. I can send some pictures of Luke and his new dog-buddies. He fits in well here at our place. He can use the garden now, we just finished a ramp from our house down to the garden.

He enjoys the snow and his massages, and he likes to eat a lot :-) and he loves his wheelchair. When I come near this wheelchair he starts to freak out, he will walk for one hour or more without getting tired!

But best off all: he doesn´t care that he can´t walk without his chair. He is always very friendly and smiles, really, he is everbody´s darling! :razz:

Greetings from Neustadt, Germany!


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Let´s just say, it isn´t me, it´s the dog. He is so great! He brings joy to my life! I have to admit, sometimes it´s hard, because I have to carry him downstairs twice a night so that he could make a pee and poop, you know?

But then again: one look in his eyes is worth it! :loveu::loveu::loveu:

I really enjoy beeing a part of Luke´s life, he is so thankfull, I really admire this dog. He is so strong an yet so emotional.

Luke an I are looking forward to show you his new hand crafted wheelchair, soon!

Let me show you some pics of Luke´s special treatment:



and look at this one, too, very relaxing Luke :-)



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hello Lutz!!!!!thank you for everything what you do for Bursztyn...you have a such a big heart ...it is amazing
everyday I check dogomania to see if there is any info about Bursztyn because this dog is really special and touched my heart so deeply
awaiting for more and more about him...write and send us photos pleeeeeaaaaseeeee!!!!!
I am so happy that there is a chance for him to walk:multi:
I wish you guys all teh best!!!!!

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